Scientific explanations can sound so complicated that the student could memorize the lesson, ace the test, and still be totally clueless about the process. I know I did this and I'll bet most of you have too.
Many PHDs still argue scientific theory, although real science is as precise as DNA, numbers, manufacturing and atoms. I see nothing else in nature that also argues the science it applies, yet everything else still uses it.
I recently heard Paul Harvey tell one of his "Rest of the Story"s where for 40 years the American Medical Society refused to recommend that surgeons should also wash their hands before surgery, and this was after European doctors verified that infections are the result of contamination.
I also heard him tell the story of an American nurse who for 38 years prevented polio from crippling 87% of people she treated, with a most naturally obvious treatment. Even with a stream of people telling the AMS how it works they would still not acknowledge her most simple natural method, which only required hot water, cloth and some assistance.
My requests for Mr. Harvey' transcripts went unanswered so if anyone has them or notices anything I miss quoted about them please email me and I will post the adjustment.
If back in grade school I tried to argue with a science teacher that Pluto was not a planet, I would have been sent to the principals office for being a disruption. Oh yes I went there many times.
Five hundred years ago the people in charge of science wanted to keep Newton away from pens and paper, and Galileo was incarcerated for just stating that the world was not at the center of the universe.
It even took Edison almost 30 years to get light bulbs in homes, and by the way I learned in school that he invented them, but it turns out they were patented in 1851 by another. Edison lost his patent on them. I am not putting myself with guys like these but I have a sense for what they must have felt.
I don't want to sound radical, I just don't trust modern science to be accurate on statements they say that they can't plainly substantiate. So I am going to explain science the same way I plainly see it.
I think up as many simple sounding (I mean even stupid) questions as I can ask myself about something I want to understand. Then I only use the answers that would always be the same under the same conditions, so anyone else asking the same question would also see the same answer.
Unfortunately most go unanswered, but sometimes they can harvest a wealth of information.
I found this forces the mind to register the stuff that is so obvious we go through life assuming we already know, but we never learned it. Assumptions are not measurable so if they are used as a factor to draw a conclusion, that would be about as accurate as math problem, that was at least partially guessed instead of calculated.
Is not a theory still just a guess? When science can't substantiate their claims, yet still make them, they will deny obvious things, as if they just can't be wrong.
Should we not first learn all the obvious stuff before we write The Rest of the Story? (I don't mean Paul)
If every aspect can be naturally verified, what is there to argue over?
So for the next few months I am going to take you through a simple look at Global Warming through my stupid questions, in a way that most sharp third graders should be able to verify.
I will not use scientific theories that I cannot see how they were substantiated. I may mention them if they make a lot of sense, but we won't use them on this quest to find and fix Earth's climate control system.
I expect to hook your interest by now reveling a major discovery (I believe) I made while questioning the earth's natural cooling system.
I'll tell you now because if I'm correct, we don't have 40 years for denial from those who have already stated their theories:
Science already knows that the Oxygen released by Photosynthesis comes from water, but they forget to also realize that every atom of new oxygen gas our planet gets comes in bone cracking cold!
This is because it expands about 800 times into our atmosphere. I intend to see if kids can prove this in many ways, but science has already proven this for us without even realizing it.
Engineers know that 'Expansion' is nature's only (known) one step rapid supercooling process, scientists have long stated that Photosynthesis releases oxygen from water, and NASA has measured that that deforestation has just removed over 80% of the world's most efficient form of atmospheric photosynthesis, its forests.
By combining their already verified knowledge with a few thermometers and a little third grade math the answer to what is causing Global Warming is the deforestation of earth, all dots connected. And folks, I'm not a tree hugger I prefer the ladies.
A couple years ago a very old dude at SCORE told me to take advantage of these simple observations. So I just filed for patent protection on a few devices that make cool air from water and sunshine, and a few other bonuses before I told the world.
I also noticed several other ways to rapidly cool things down which we will be verifying over the next few months.
I also want you to hear now that It appears to my stupid questions that the most powerful way rapidly cool earth would be the irrigation of some of it's hottest deserts.
For instance filling death valley with thick vegetation could greatly reduce the hot dry Santa Anna Winds that cook southern Calif, also greatly reducing forest fires. Not to mention all of the food the extremely intense solar energy could grow on them, instead of baking the planet, by just adding water.
Death Valley, like much of earth's deserts just happen to be about 300 ft under sea level, so even the siphon effect could power the flow. This should also work much faster and much cheaper, and produce real products, then trying to stabilize a space shade umbrella from the solar winds.
You may think I think I am smart, but everyday I show myself how stupid I really am. I found that keeps me asking myself those stupid questions, thus discovering far more.
Every time I ever thought I was smart I stopped learning.
I want you to tare into my reports, I don't want you to believe a word, I want you to prove them right or wrong. If I am right you kids won't have 40 years for scientific denial of adult egos, if I'm wrong at least I got you to ask a bunch of really stupid questions!
I'll be happy either way.
See you next month as you go on a quest to find Earth's natural climate control system.
(c) 2007 Steven Craig